Images of Ireland
"County Meath," The Celtic Heart of Ireland.
Meath has more than it's fair share of prehistoric and Celtic sites of importance nestled
among it's rolling hills. Here you will find "The Hill of Tara"
seat of the High Kings of Ireland.
Not impressed! what about "Newgrange", older than Stonehenge, even older
than the pyramids, it is one of the most important stone age tombs in Europe.
I bet you're impressed now :0)
"Abbey of St. Peter and Paul, River Boyne" taken by Pam Dunn
The river Boyne is also of great historical
importance. It was along this river in 1690 that Dutch Protestant William of Orange beat
England's Catholic King James ll in a battle which has become
known as The Battle of the Boyne.
Driven from the throne the previous year James fled to France his place taken by William of Orange and his daughter Mary.
James came to Ireland with a French army with the idea of driving out the Protestant settlers Cromwell had brought half a century before. James was hoping to restore Ireland to its native population and raise an army to help him regain the English throne.
However James failed to take the towns of Londonderry and Enniskillen and on Sunday June 29th James crossed the Boyne with 30,000 men and set up camp on the southern side. The next day William sent 10,000 of his 36,000 strong army across at Rossnaree. James thought that this was the main attack and committed his forces. Meanwhile William's other men crossed at Oldbridge. James's was driven back losing 1,500 men to a loss of 500 for William.
A few days later James returned to France, his cause lost.
"Tara-the seat of
the kings"
by Shannon McKenna
The traveler on route N3 between Dublin and Navan, county Meath may not notice the sign pointing to Ireland's one of the most important historical sites, the ancient city of Tara where the high kings of the land rein supreme until about 560 AD. In pre-christian times it was the most important centre of political and religious power while archeological excavations have revealed numerous Bronze Age burials. The Hill of Tara , also named "Cormac's House" was the king's house and the pillar stone, the lia fàil is believed to be the site where kings were crowned. According to legend the stone roared when a rightful king stood on it. Now the site is a peaceful grassland but the relics are a solemn testimony to a glorious past.
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Owen Brennan
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Revised: March 03, 2004.