Mail Received
I love to get mail about Images of
Ireland and wish to share some special ones with you.
From Brenda Lorenzo (29-05-99)
Your website is lovely. Thanks especially for sharing your family photos and personal
moments. As I was looking thru the photos I wanted to tell you something that I've always
wanted to say to people from the "old country".
So often on other websites (not Irish ones, tho) you see people lamenting the presence of
Americans in their towns and what a nuisance we are. Some of us can be a bit pompous I
know. But I wanted someone to understand that we come back as a promise to those who left
so many years ago and could never return home. It was never a verbal promise and maybe
they never even spoke of home but whether it was Ireland, Scotland, Wales or England, we
knew where we came from. And now our good fortune allows us to return however briefly to
remember our beginnings. As they say, you don't know where you're going if you don't know
where you've been. Thanks for letting me ramble on here. If you ever talk with anyone who
thinks we're a pain, let them know we think we've just come for a visit home.
Best regards to you and yours,
Brenda Lorenzo
Erie, PA USA
(I was touched by Brenda's letter and how she
needed us at home to understand.
In return I think it necessary to let Brenda and everyone else know how most of us feel.)
How's Brenda?
You know Brenda, I really appreciate you kind words, they are beautiful, from the heart and important.
Lamenting the presence of Americans doesn't really happen much in Ireland. From our tiny country perched on the very edge of the European sunset we look fondly towards our American cousins. So many of us set off, with empty pockets and stomach's and headed west with a sad optimism to an uncertain future in your country. Some were never heard from again but many prospered and were able to send help back home.
Everyone in Ireland has relatives in America, my dad tells of his parents getting parcels with "checked working men's shirts" and other clothes from their folks in Boston.
Today, sons, daughters and friends of Ireland in your country are still helping out. Working hard, trying to create jobs at home, helping with "The International Fund For Ireland" and playing a very important role in our peace process.
You have never forgotten us and we are grateful. Be assured Brenda there's still a "Céad Míle Fáilte" for all who come home to the old country.
Love from Ireland
Someone who our country owes a lot to is Senator
George Mitchell. He has skilfully steered, led and sometimes pushed our politicians
towards the path of compromise and peace. He has been generous with his time and patience
and we appreciate it.
So if any visitors to this site ever meets Senator George Mitchell, thank him, if he ever needs your support, give it and if he ever needs assistance, help him, for he is a true friend of the people of Ireland, north & south.
If you wish to e-mail me you can get me at:
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