Images Of Ireland
Standing by the red rust gate The Derry bus crawls over Drim Granny's voice calls laughing
![]() Aunt Annie & Me |
Up top the post I scramble With comic books and chocolate
bars But trees and time have covered
up Copyright © 2000 Owen Brennan |
![]() Rushfield lane where it comes
around the big rock, Innishowen, County Donegal |
Dear Sir, I write this note to you to
tell you of my plight
For at the time of writing, I'm not a pretty sight
Me body is all black and blue, me face a deathly gray
And I write this note to say why Murphy's not at work today
While working on the 14th floor, some
bricks I had to clear
But to toss them down from such a height was not a good idea
The foreman wasn't very pleased, he is an awkward sod
He said I'd have to cart them down the ladders in me hod.
Now shifting all those bricks by hand it
was so very slow
So I hoisted up a barrel and secured a rope below
But in me haste to do the job I was to blind to see
That a barrel full of building bricks was heavier than me
And so when I untied the rope, the barrel
fell like lead
And clinging tightly to the rope, I started up instead
I shot up like a rocket, till my dismay I found
That half-way up I met the barrel coming down
Now the barrel broke me shoulder, as to
the ground it sped
And when I reached the top, I banged the pulley with me head
I clung on tightly numb with shock, from this almighty blow
And the barrel spilled out half the bricks some 14 floors below
Now! when these bricks had fallen from
the barrel to the floor
I then outweighed the barrel and so started down once more
Still clinging tightly to the rope, me body wracked with pain
And half way down I met the bloody barrel once again
Now the force of this collision half way
down the office block
Caused multiple abrasions and a nasty state of shock
Still clinging tightly to the rope, I fell towards the ground
And I landed on the broken bricks scattered all around
I lay there groaning on the ground, I
thought I'd past the worst
But the barrel hit the pulley wheel and then the bottom burst
A shower of bricks rained down on me, I didn't have a hope
As I lay there bleeding on the ground I let go of the bloody rope
Now, the barrel then being heavier, it
started down once more
It landed right across me as.., I lay there on the floor
It broke three ribs and my left arm and I can only say
I hope you'll understand why Paddy's not at work today
written by Pat Cooksey
The Dubliners do a good version of
Elf Man
There was a little elf man once,
down by the river grove,
I asked him why he was so small and why he did not grow....
He slightly frowned and with an eye, he looked me through and through,
"I'm Quite as big for me he said, as you are big for you"
My thanks to Theresa Amies from Australia who sent me this lovely wee poem. The poem was told to her as a child by her mum who was from Dublin.
Little Bit Of Ireland
"You're my little bit of
Ireland" © Elizabeth Gallagher |
Will Bury You
I will bury you with wisdom I will take your body, warm still, I will carry you inside me © Elizabeth Gallagher |
Two beautiful pieces of poetry from Elizabeth Gallagher. "A little bit of Ireland" written about her mother in England and "I will bury you" is about the Irish father she never knew.
The old one lay in
stillness, hands crossed upon his breast
The young ones came to see him, peaceful in his rest
No more the music came from him, no more the laughing gale
No more the fire of passion in a quiet winter's tale.
Then a young one rose from
his place and he began to sing
His hands were quick and agile, making the harp strings ring.
The music then poured out of him, remembering the old bard's life
He sang of honor and of faith, he sang of truth and light.
Then the pipes wailed out,
their lament filling the hall
The music of sorrow crying, filling the hearts of all
One by one they came to him, the last sight of him in this world
Each hand that touched, each tear that dropped, a memory of a heart stilled.
But know ye all this
truth, forever the bard's music lives on
It beats in the hearts of those hearing it and they pass it in their own song.
So mourn not the death of the passing Bard, nor give up his ghost to the end
But bend your ear to the music and hear his heart on the wind.
Copyright © 1999 Caitlin Mansell
Caitlin wrote this beautiful poem as a tribute to her father on the anniversary of his passing. Please visit her website at
Wind sighing, tree limbs
Listen and you will hear the song.
Faint harp playing, the owl crying
Of days that are now long gone.
Moon riding high on a cloud tossed sea
Shining silver in the glade below.
Shadows dancing, moonlight playing
On a dance done long ago.
Hands touching, eyes catching
Shining in the fey touched light.
Hearts racing, breath sighing
Ancient love is afoot tonight.
Copyright © Caitlin Mansell
You can visit Caitlin's website at
in the Family
They have good hearts,
these distant kin
strangers who wear my uncles' faces,
waves of sea-parted cousins.
To embrace them
I tip too often and too much
They understand the bottle not the punt.
In America they guess
we all be millionaires.
Copyright ©1996 Betty Hufford
Lovely wee insight from Betty Hufford. It's not the custom to tip in Ireland we think that people in the service industry should get a decent wage in their pay packets, we think that it's expensive enough to eat out or buy a round of drinks without having to hand out extra. But when the shoe's on the other foot and you work in a pub or restaurant an American visitor is as welcome as the flowers in May. Yes Betty you're right, I guess we do think that all Americans are wealthy. Betty would be happy for you to contact her at
Spare me the lecture, Father -
I'm goin' t' hell an' we both know it
An' all the choirs an' blather
Won't but start me sufferin' years
Before me 'lotted time. Ye'd make
The Devil's work a damned sight quicker
If'n I weren't deaf in both ears twice before me wake -
Fer all yer moanin' fer me soul
Spare me the lecture, Father -
I'm goin' t' hell an' we both know it
Aye, an' it don't seem right a man should suffer
Twice fer the same sin.
© Kevin Taylor
Kevin Taylor is an Irish writer living on the west coast of Canada.
You can visit Kevin's web-site at:
Browe's Puckan by Mattie Lennon
This poem is based loosely on a lifelong friend/Entrepreneur of Mattie's. Mattie is from Kylebeg, Lacken, Blessington, Co Wicklow. He has lived in Dublin for almost 30 years where he works as a Bus Inspector with Dublin Bus. Mattie writes occasional articles for newspapers and magazines. He also presents a Ballad Programme on Radio Dublin 100 F.M. every Sunday morning at 07 30 AM. If you want a request played for anyone in the Dublin or surrounding area or if you have a comment, suggestion or...even.....a criticism phone 1550 923 655 anytime. (This phone number is only operational in the Republic of Ireland.) If you are outside Ireland you can Email Mattie at
Lennon's Ballad Hour on Radio Dublin 100FM Every Sunday morning at 07 30 AM. |
The time I've lost in wooing
In watching and pursuing
The light that lies
In woman's eyes,
Has been my hearts undoing.
Though wisdom oft has sought me
I scorned the love she brought me
My only books
Were woman's looks,
And folly's all they've brought me.
Thomas Moore (1779-1852)
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